
An innovative milk testing system for 13 minutes simultaneously detects in milk a residual amount of more than 90 types of antibiotics and toxins isolated in specific groups such as β-lactams, tetracyclines, aminoglycosides, lincosamides, macrolides, (fluorine) quinolones, sulfonyl amides, chloramphenicols, derivatives pyrimidine and even aflatoxin M1.

everything in 13 minutes

Check for everything in 13 minutes?

Mix milk and reagent, incubate for 3 minutes at 30 ° C. After insert the test strip and incubate for 10 minutes at 30°C. Consider the result using Extenso, selecting those contaminants for which you want to check the milk.

pay only for them

No overpayments!

Choose groups for which you need to check and pay only for them! You can only check for tetracyclines. And you can also add macrolides or quinolones! Or check everything at once and be 100% sure of the quality of your product!

The compactness of the device


The compactness of the device and the ability to work from the battery allows you to transport it for analysis on the residual amount of antibiotics and toxins in milk in the field! Check the quality of the product in the branches and the raw zone!

everything in 13 minutes

Platform complete set

Extenso reading device
Thermostat incubator
Virtual keys


Ability to conduct up to 60 tests in 1 hour
The ability to analyze the finished product
The ability to read all test strips Unisensor

The sensitivity of Extenso (ppb)

Antibiotic The limit/level of detection Decision №28 Antibiotic The limit/level of detection Decision №28
Beta-lactams-penicillins: Lincosamides:
Amoxicillin 3 4 Lincomycin 80 150
Ampicillin 4 4 Clyndamycin 40 150
Benzylpenicillin (Pen G) 2 <4 Pirlimycin <100 100
Phenoxymethylpenicillin (Pen V) 4 / Sulfonamides:
Cloxacillin 12 30 Sulfadiazine 3 25
Nafcillin 350 30 Sulfamerazine 1 25
Dicloxacillin 8 30 Sulfadimethoxine 5 25
Oxacillin 16 30 Sulfamethazine 1 25
Penethamate 55 / Sulfamethoxazole 100 25
Piperacillin 0,5-1 / Sulfaquinoxaline 4 25
Ticarcillin 10-15 / Sulfamonomethoxin 2 25
Aspoxicillin 1-2 / Sulfamethoxypyridazine 1 25
Sulbactam 100-1000 / Sulfaethoxypyridazine <25 25
Tazobactam 1000 / Sulfazalazine 115 25
Betalactamase inhibitors: Sulfapyridine 1 25
Clavulanic acid >20000 200 Sulfachloropyridazine 8 25
Beta-lactams-cephalosporins: Sulfaguanidine 7 25
Cefalonium 3 20 Sulfatiazol 3 25
Cefazolin 9 <5000 Sulfisoxazole <25 25
Cefoperazone 3 50 Sulfamethizole 150 25
Cefquinome 14 20 Sulfamate 2 25
Ceftiofur 8 100 Sulfamoxol 1 25
Desfuroylceftiofur 60 100 Pyrimidine derivative: <30 30
Cefapirin 4 10 Baquiloprim 30-50 30
Desacetylcephapirin 16 10 Trimethoprim 2 50
Cefacetrile 9 125 Tetracyclines: 14 300
Ceftizoxime 200 / Tetracycline 9 <10
Cefuroxime 90 / Chlortetracycline 5 <10
Ceftriaxone 6 / Oxytetracycline 9 <10
Cefalexin 4 100 Doxycycline 3 <10
Cefadroxil 4 / Mynocycline [<50] /
Phenicols: Demeclocycline [<50] /
Chloramphenicol 0,2 0,3 Sancycline [<50] /
Polymyxins: Amicycline [<50] /
Colistin 30 50 Meclocycline [<50] /
Aminoglycosides: Methacycline [<50] /
Gentamicin (C1, C1a, C2, C2a) 2-5 100 Quinolones:
Sisomycin 175 / Danofloxacin 14 30
Kanamycin А 1 150 Enrofloxacin 14 100 в сумме
Neomycin В 1000 1500 Ciprofloxacin 16 100 в сумме
Framycetin 1500 Pefloxacin <20 100
Apramycin 125 / Ofloxacin <20 100 в сумме
Dihydrostreptomycin 150 <200 Marbofloxacin 14 75
Streptomycin 175 <200 Difloxacin 16 /
Macrolides: Norfloxacin 20 100 в сумме
Erythromycin 30 40 Enofloxacin <20 /
Roxithromycin 700 / Lomefloxacin <30 /
Spiramycin 100 200 Орбифлоксацин >100 /
Neospiramycin 100 200 Sarafloxacin 16 /
Tylosin A 2-5 50 Flumequine 25 50
Desmycosin (Tylosin B) 2-5 / Oxolinic Acid 125 /
Tilmicosin 2-5 50 Nalidixic acid 150 /
Aflatoxin: Cinoxacin <1000 /
Aflatoxin M1 0,4 / Fleroxacin <50 /
Aflatoxin B1 0,5 / Pipemidic acid >10000 /
Piromidic acid >10000 /
Levofloxacin <1 <1